Disclaimer & Privacy Statement



Links to non-Coast Guard entities are not under the control of the United States Coast Guard or the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, and are provided for the convenience of our customers. They do not, in any way, constitute an endorsement of the linked pages or any commercial or private issues or products presented there. We cannot make any warranty or representation concerning the content of these sites, or secondary sites from the pages to which they link.

Privacy Statement:


Our system routinely collects information about origin and site navigation of website visitors. This information is used only to help us continually modify the site based on use patterns and is not linked to any personal identifying information. We do not collect any identifying or personal data on site users unless that information is submitted as part of a request for service or information, such as requesting a vessel safety check.

Our organization does not sell, share, or release any information about website users to any third parties, unless requested to do so by that user. Personal information about individual website users, as submitted as part of a service or information request, will not be shared for other than the stated purpose in any way without specific consent from the user. However, we may disclose information when legally compelled to do so.

Email links are provided as a means to contact Auxiliary members for additional information or to make comments. The sender's return email address will be used to respond to comments and questions and may be made available to other members of the Auxiliary for the same purpose. Because normal email is not encrypted, the possibility exists that unauthorized individuals may intercept email messages. We are not responsible for privacy of email messages except those stored on our system.

Users are encouraged to review the privacy policy and disclaimer of each linked site, as our organization is not responsible for the privacy policies or procedures of other sites.